Giant Bamboo Plantation

Only Moso plants originate from two carefully selected species of bamboo: Phyllostachys edulis (or pubescens) and Dendrocalamos Asper. These two plants are conveniently chosen for their quality, productivity and adaptability. The first one is a giant Gramineae which reaches between 14 and 25 meters in height and between 8 and 15 centimeters in diameter. The flowering, with the related seed production, takes place about 100 years after its birth. Phyllostachys edulis lives in temperate climate areas and withstands very low temperatures, down to -20 ° C.

The second plant is a tropical climate species with different characteristics from the first one, and it is able to withstand temperatures down to -4°C. The root is sympodial, meaning bushy and it does not present problems of lateral containment like the first one. Dendrocalamos Asper has been selected precisely for Albania's maritime belt region, where the climate is historically compatible with the life of this species. The peculiarity of both Phyllostachys edulis and Dendrocalamos Asper lies in the greater development speed of Only Moso bamboo and, usually, richer production and superior food quality of its sprouts. Also, the wood quality of these two species is far better, for hardness and resistance, than that of many precious woods, such as oak and walnut.

An adult bamboo plantation's activity is represented by the underground growth of the rhizomes during autumn and winter, and by the development of the buds in spring. In just 40 to 60 days, buds complete their growth becoming trunks at a development rate, sometimes, of over one meter per day. In the right conditions, with time, Only Moso's rhizomes tend to widen until they become immortal plants which stretch out at will. Only Moso bamboo plants are vigorous, develop extremely rapidly, don't require care, endure heat and cold, wet soil and drought.

Leaves renewal represents a genuine mulching and natural fertilizer for the OnlyMoso forest: by rotting on the soil, leaves produce humus and at the same time protect the root system from cold and drought. The sprouts, which can weigh up to 1,500 grams, are delicious to eat, and are rich in minerals and vitamins, representing a food much appreciated in the eastern and western cuisine.

The annual harvest of sprouts, for the food industry, represents a healthy pruning for the OnlyMoso forest. If all bamboo shoots were allowed to grow, only some of them would indeed become adult culms as the bamboo plantation is self-regulated and adjust itself according to its ability to feed the new canes.

Every year, from September to February, 25% - 30% of the culms that have matured are cut. OnlyMoso plants are naturally antibacterial and antimycotic, therefore harmful parasites cannot develop and, contrary to other types of crops, no pesticides are required.

An Only Moso forest reaches maturity between 5 and 10 years from planting, depending on soil climatic condition and type of irrigation. The stem's cut depends to its final use (constructions, furniture, textile, paper, biomass, etc.). For example, for timber the harvest takes place after 3 to 4 years from the stem's birth.

Finally, the reasons for choosing an Only Moso's plantation are not only its versatility, as described above, but also the extreme simplicity of managing it and its high annual return per hectare.

Above all Only Moso has been chosen for our project in Albania for its adaptability to coastal strips. The local administrations and the citizens who rent out their lands for bamboo plantations derive several benefits:

  • Development of uncultivated lands
  • New job opportunities and most likely the establishment of bamboo processing companies.
  • Environmental improvement thanks to the plantation's high CO2 absorption rate and consequent emission of Oxygen.
  • Lucrative participations in the bamboo estate's profitability for the landowners, especially for the local administrations that could use the gaining for the development of the territory and social aids.
  • Support and contribution to the local demands for raw material.

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